Things to note before purchasing

Our store OIHK-Beauty_michelllelo has different payment methods

Our store has coupon collection-Octopus AlipayHK WeChatPay Tag&Go Payme

After adding to the shopping cart, complete the order and transfer the money to the following account within 24 hours


HSBC: 521-108258-838 (original Intention HK)

Hang Seng: 369-707351-883 (wah's Lim Company)

Bank of China: 012 9321 0190 9 53 (lo l** y**)

FPS: 104884911 (original Intention HK)

Payme : 60528147 (original Intention HK)

Image reflection into digital paper than customer service

Whatsapp: 6052 8147


Tag And Go Voucher

Consumption voucher collection AlipayHk / WechatPay

To receive Octopus vouchers , please get the payment link from our store.

Once payment is received, there are no refunds or returns. We apologize for any inconvenience.